BASSATINE NEWS the ONLY Jewish newsletter reporting directly from Egypt
A Community Chronicle put out by the Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo since 1995
Date: November 29, 2009, 10:40 am
Name: Alexander Darmanin
last address in Egypt: Rue Allam El Din Cleopatra Alexandria
present address: 89 Derby St Pascoe Vale 3044 Victoria Australia
I am looking for a friend Mr Zizi Beleli, last known address: 5 Rue Eliwan, Cleopatra, Alexandria, Egypt. Left Egypt for Israel circa 1948-49. He would be now about my age 77.I was refered to this site from a friend in Israel.
Date: October 30, 2009, 04:24 pm
Name: Mohamed DAGHASH
last address in Egypt: ALEXANDRIA
present address: ATHENS
College Ste.Catherine & St.Marc promotion 1959.cherche mes amis Juifs de classe..Sami Mizrahi,Victor et jacques Sebton,Joseph Moreno,Abramino Zayan,Albert Brakha,Leon Yannis,Rafael Nessim, Shemtob
Date: October 15, 2009, 06:54 am
Name: Jacqueline Costi
left 1959 to Israel and then to England since 1968. Went to lycee de l'union juive from 1950-59. anyone remember me?
Name: Shlomo (Selim) Khayat
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Tel Aviv
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:27 PM
email address:
Comments: Je voudrais chere Madame Wesinstein vous faire part de mon admiration pour tous les efforts que vous faites pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine Juif d'Egypte ! L'organisation du magnifique centennaire de Shaar Hashamayim vous vaut a elle seule la reconnaissance et l'admiration de tous les Juifs d'Egypte disperses a travers le monde.
Name: Jacqueline Costi
Last address in Egypt: Rue Soliman Pasha / Rue Nemr
Present address: Hollywood Florida
Date: July 2009
email address: Jacqueline Costi
Comments: left 1959 to Israel and then to England since 1968. Went to lycee de l'union juive from 1950-59. anyone remember me?
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria
Present address: Toulouse, France
Date: June 2009
email address: Didier MORANDI-PIPERNO
Comments: Ahlan, My Grand-Mother Yvette Olga Piperno, born in Alexandria on the 21st of January 1907, who died in 2000, was Felix Pipernos daughter (1886-1958), himself Mose Cesare Pipernos son (1844-1910). I am currently looking for my Cousins. Please help.
Name: Rafia Hussein
Last address in Egypt: 1 Latin America Street, Garden City, Cairo
Present address: 1 Latin America Street, Garden City, Cairo
Date: 6 June 2009
email address: Rafia Hussein
Comments: love this site and would be glad if some one attended the lycee of bab el louk from 1950 till 1964 from my jews frien can contact me on my email thank u
Name: Andrée Zeitouneh Baroukh
Last address in Egypt: 206, Rue Tanis - Alexandria
Present address: São Paulo - Brazil
Date: 2 June 2009
email address: Andrée Zeitouneh Baroukh
Comments: I was born in Alexandria in 1942.I left Egypt in December 1956 with my father and sister. I attended Lycée de lUnion Juive untill October 1956(classe de 3ème).I live with my husband(from Cairo), my daughter and 2 grandsons in São Paulo-Brazil.
Name: Roland Weiser
Last address in Egypt: Maleka Nazli (Ramses) Street, Cairo
Present address: USA
Date: 9 May 2009
email address: Roland Weiser
Comments: would appreciate to hear from anyone who knew my brother Gerard in Cairo. He was a swimmer at the Tewfekieh Club and attended the Lycee Francais du Caire where he got his Bac Philo in 1944.( English or French).
Name: Hala Machlouf
Last address in Egypt: 1 Moussa Qatawi Street
Present address:
Date: 3 May 2009
email address:
Comments: So happy to find this site
Name: Iman
Last address in Egypt: Nasr City
Present address: Virginia, USA
Date: March 2009
email address: Iman
Comments: I am very proud of you - of us Egyptians. Your love for our homeland, your patriotism, and your perseverance in protecting our heritage are admirable. I believe that the magic of Egypt mainly lies in the heart of its good Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Name: Bassem Farag
Last address in Egypt: Shubra, Cairo
Present address: Larnaca, Cyprus
Date: 7 March 2009
email address: Bassem Farag
Comments: its a very good project to save a big part of our history and a big part of our nation , thanks.
Name: Waheed Samy
Last address in Egypt:
Present address:
Date: 16 February, 2009
email address: Waheed Samy
Comments: Feeling nostalgic about places that are no more.
Name: Salomon Costi
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Venezuela
Date: February 2009
email address: Salomon Costi
Comments: It is a pleasant surprice finding my name in your list., Unfortunately you did not have my correct e-mail, which I am sending. I left Egypt when I was 7 in 1957 after the war. So I do not remembet too much, but we always moved around a number of families
Name: Lévy Margot
Last address in Egypt: 13 av. Sidi Gaber Alexandrie
Present address: 42 rue Campo Formio 75013 Paris
Date: 5 February 2009
email address: Lévy Margot
Comments: Je recherche une amie d´enfance Gisèle Pardo (du Caire). Elle travaillait chez Philips (elle avait une soeur Lucy) et elle s´est marié avec Albert Lévy. Elle habite en France. Contactez-moi si vous la connaissez?
Name: Gail Sheridan
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Rose Cottage, Upton Snodsbury, Worcs WR7 4NH, UK
Date: 24 January 2009
email address: Gail Sheridan
Comments: I am Jewish, acconpanying my husband on business early February for the first time in Egypt, and would like to make contact in Alexandria, where my great grandfather Matisyahu Shrader was buried in 1917, and Cairo. Is anyone able to help?
Name: Robert Grayson
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Miami Beach FL
Date: 24 January 2009
email address: Robert Grayson
Comments: My grandfather Moses Rafael Ginsburg was Ashkenazi rabbi of Cairo around 1890 to 1897. Any way of learning more about him at that time. Wife Gennie came to US from Port Said in 1896.
Name: Albert Dassa
Last address in Egypt: Villa Sina, 4 rue Simbellawane, Camp Cesar, Alexandria and 37 Rue Tanis, Alexandria, Egypt
Present address: 11 The Mount, Wembley HA99EE, United Kingdom
Date: 24 January 2009
email address:
Comments: Went to lycee de lunion juive Bulkley 1951-59. Left Alexandria August 1959 for Israel. Moved to London in 1968. Does anyone remember me?
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: NETANYA - ISRAEL
Date: 24 January 2009
Comments: Je recherche depuis longtemps ALBERT HARARI que javais connu en Israel en 1966. Je pense quil sagit de lui, dans son annonce du 5/10/2006 et dans laquelle il parle de ses soeurs Lydia et Mireille. Je lui ai ecrit a l'adresse mail indiquee. Pas de reponses.
Name: Brian Glazer
Last address in Egypt: Zamalek
Present address: Montreal
Date: 1 January 2009
email address: Brian Glazer
Comments: My Wife Joyce Douek, born on 1950, (Daughter of Edouard Douek and Nina Cohen) left Cairo in 1961. She lived in Zamalek
Name: marilyn salama
Last address in Egypt: Dokki, Cairo
Present address: Luxembourg
Date: 15 December2008
email address: marilyn salama
Comments: I was born in Cairo in 1946. I now live in Luxembourg since 1975. Am married with Alain Meyer and have 2 lovely daughters.
Name: George Boghossian
Last address in Egypt: 18A 26 July Street,Cairo
Present address: New Jersey, USA
Date: 16 December 2008
email address: George Boghossian
Comments: Left Egypt in 1966. Attended St.Georges College in Heliopolis as well as College Des Freres, Daher and College St.Famille. Would like to hear from childhood friends and classmates who emigrated to England,Canada,South Africa and Australia.
Name: Sarah (Sally) Brecher Saul
Last address in Egypt: Midan El Geish
Present address: Rua Flamengo 125, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Date: 15 December2008
email address: Sarah (Sally) Brecher Saul
Comments: Lots of hope that I might get in touch with my friends from the Ashkenazy Community (Shull) on Farouk St. Lots of hope that I might get in touch with my friends from the Ashkenazy Community (Shull) on Farouk St.
Name: Asaba Owerri
Last address in Egypt: Tewfik St.
Present address: Dubai, UAE
Date: 15 December 2008
email address: Asaba Owerri
Comments: I left Cairo in April 1968, studied at College des Freres, Bab-el-Louk, at 5eme,before I`ve studied at Lyce Français du Caire, then Franco Egyptien at Heliopolis. I`m looking for many friends: Ralph Roffe, Charles Chammah,Lydia and Deborah Steinhard and
Last address in Egypt: 11, Rue Abdel Khalek Sarwat
Present address: Piazza Addobbati, 4, Pavia 27100, Italy
Date: 15 December 2008
email address: LYDIA MIELI
Comments: Glad to have stumbled into this fascinating site which plunged me back into the past! I would be so happy to hear from old friends. I attended EMC and St. Claires College in Heliopolis and was a member of the Heliopolis Sporting Club. I left Egypt in 1956.
Last address in Egypt: Mouski
Present address: VERSAILLES, FRANCE
Date: 12 Decembre 2008
Comments: JE CHERCHE NOTRE CLASSE A LECOLE OEUVRE DE LA GOUTTE DE LAIT AU CAIRE: Aicha Mizrahi, Flor Lichaa, Frida Dayan, Lucy Ocidia, Joseph Jabès, Joseph Malki, Sarah et Liliane Yacoub, Hhenri et Suzanne Chemtob. etc
Name: Brindle
Last address in Egypt: Horeya square, Maadi
Present address: nelson lancs
Date: 30 November 2008
email address: Brindle
Comments: I spent some time in Hotel Glanz whilst working at Cairo south power station
Name: Jean-Michel Toriel
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria
Present address: Vancouver, Canada
Date: Nov. 2, 2008
email address: Jean-Michel Toriel
Comments: Another Toriel, Ruby Paule, born Sept. 30th, 2008 in Vancouver Canada. May be 1 day we will visit our ancestral home in Egypt. Peace to all.
Name: Elie Bensimon
Last address in Egypt: 14 rue Daramalli Le Caire
Present address: chemin du lozet 30400 Villeneuve les Avignon
Date: 2 November 2008
email address: bensimon elie
Comments: Je souhaiterais me reinscrire au groupe des Juifs degypte via Yahoo. Mais il semblerait que la manipulation soit très compliquée. Pouvez vous me guider? Merci davance.
Name: ANTEBI Maurice
Last address in Egypt: 2, Rue Daramalli-Cairo
Present address: Tel Aviv
Date: 2008
email address: ANTEBI Maurice
Comments: Suite a mon commentaire en 2005 je voudrais juste specifier que mon adresse YAHOO (2005) est ma nouvelle adresse electronique...Merci..!!!
Name: Victor Cheridjian
Last address in Egypt: Cairo
Present address: Wirral, England
Date: 30.9.2008
email address: Victor CheridjianM
Comments: While researching my mother's roots I came across your interesting site. Brings back a lot of happy memories. English Mission College till 1962.
Last address in Egypt: Midan El Geish
Present address: CANTON, MA. USA
Date: 31 March 2008
Name: Edna Anzarut-Turner
Last address in Egypt: Adly Street, Cairo
Present address: Montreal, Canada
Date: 29 March 2008
email address:
Comments: My parents put me on a plane to join family in England via Geneva in 1956, as we were British subjects. They joined me a few months later..and then my beloved grandparents left Egypt and we were all safe and sound and happily reunited in London.
Name: Michel Levy
Last address in Egypt:
Present address: Canada
Date: 20 March 2008
email address:
Comments: I was born in Cairo in 1944 and lived there with my family until 1963. I attended the Lycee du Caire and now live in Canada. I will be glad to hear from anyone who went to the same school, during the same period.
Name: Viviane Hauf
Last address in Egypt: Midan Suares, Maadi
Present address: Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 25 March 2008
email address:
Comments: Very interesting site. Was born in Egypt and left 1 week before the revolution in July 1952. Have kept very fond memories of Egypt. Surely many readers have been patients of my father Dr. Maurice Hauf in Maadi and I should be glad to hear from them !
Name: Rose Polonsky
Last address in Egypt: 10 Rue Hamam - Heliopolis
Present address: Boston, USA
Date: 24 March 2008
email address:
Comments: I left Egypt in 1963 with my mother Rebecca and my father Simon Polonsky. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Name: Ronald Ralph Harari
Last address in Egypt: 9,Rue Ahmad Kamha Bey, Koubbeh,Cairo
Present address: Sao Paulo-SP Brésil
Date: 3 March 2008
email address:
Comments: My parents are Ralph Harari and Camille Harari,I am 62 years old and left Cairo in 62. I live inSão Paulo Brazil.Id like to speak with somebody who leave Egypt.Naturellement je parle le français.Jai étudié au Collège des frères a Daher.
Name: Jacqueline Myr
Last address in Egypt: Bab el-Louk
Present address: Maryland, USA
Date: 22 February 2008
email address:
Comments: Love your site, would love to meet any Myr,Dayan,or Menasce from cairo egypt who left in the late 1050s early 1960s.
Name: Sheila Jabes Tucker
Last address in Egypt: Helipolis
Present address: Maryland, USA
Date: February 22, 2008
email address:
Comments: Would like to get in touch with friends from the Lycee Francais in Heliopolis in the 50 and also get in contact with my cousins from the Jabes Family in Italy.
Name: Polly Menasche
Last address in Egypt: unknown
Present address: Fort Lauredale, FL, USA
Date: January 29, 2008
email address:
Comments: Hello; I am putting together the Menasche, Mizrahi, Shababo and Hamaoui Family genealogies and would appreciate any information you have on our relatives.
Name: Jack Braunstein
Last address in Egypt: Corner Sami Pasha and Kasr-el-eini, Garden City
Present address: Melbourne, Australia
Date: January 26, 2008
email address:
Comments: My parents Rachel and Joseph Braunstein and my brother Lucien and I left Cairo in 1956 and settled in Australia. Writing a family history and would welcome any contact. My maternal grandparents were Jacque and Rosine Levy. I was 4 years old when I left Egypt.
Name: Maurice Rasson
Last address in Egypt: Midan al-Geish, Cairo
Present address: Los Angeles, USA
Date: January 25, 2008
email address:
Comments: Elie Aalaam related to the late actress Nagwa Salem. Please call me. We were in the same hotel in paris in 1966-1967 and we became friends .my name is Maurice Rasson.
Name: Anne Dorra
Last address in Egypt: 15-B Taha Hussein Street, Zamalek, Egypt
Present address: 15-B Taha Hussein Street, Zamalek
Date: January 24, 2008
email address:
Comments: I am the granddaughter of Andre Dorra, a well known family in the textile business in Alexandria. He left Alexandria in 1960, but I would like to know who is present in Egypt at the moment, and who knew my father who now lives in New York.
Name: Anne
Last address in Egypt: 17 Avenue Prince Ibrahim, Alexandria
Present address: USA
Date: January 19, 2008
email address:
Comments: Looking for anyone who knew the English/Tius/King family from Alexandria from 1900 to present. Specifically George and Constance English who lived at Rue 1 Redive 35 or 33.
Name: Lina Hanan el Tagi
Last address in Egypt: Heliopolis, Egypt
Present address: Virginia, USA
Date: January 18, 2008
email address:
Comments: Born in Heliopolis - went to notre dame des apotres - Heliopolis. My sister Celine Hanan Lurey lives in Asheville, BC, USA. We would like to hear from anyone who knew the family.
Name: Joseph Bentley
Last address in Egypt: Alexandria, Egypt
Present address: Brisbane, Australia
Date: January 18, 2008
email address:
Comments: Born in Alexandria, parents Nadine Salama + Albert Bentley previously Bogdadly. I live in Australia and have children in NewZealand and Australia.If anyone has similar friends or relations or have known me please contact.
Name: Abraham (Aby) Mihalovich
Last address in Egypt: Rue Tanis, Alexandrie
Present address: 6/49 Bennett St., Bondi, NSW 2026, Australia
Date: January 10, 2008
email address:
Comments: Bon travail et photos superbes! Salutations a notre cousine M. Messeca.
Name: Aghion
Last address in Egypt: Mariette Pasha Street, Cairo
Present address: USA
Date: January 13, 2008
email address:
Comments: Bon travail et photos superbes! Salutations a notre cousine M. Messeca.
Name: S. A.
Last address in Egypt: Champollion Street, Mazarita Cemetery
Present address: Calgary, Canada
Date: January 12, 2008
email address:
Comments: Born across from Mazarita Jewish Cemetery. Travelled across Europe and settled in Canada. Parents were teachers and I have collected photos from British Boys school to Lycee, to Jewish schools. Setting up a FREE website with old photos 1940, 1950, 1960.
Name: Clement and Esther Cohen
Last address in Egypt: Cairo, Egypt
Present address: Brazil
Date: January 9, 2008
email address:
Comments: Looking for friends of my father Clement Cohen and my aunt Esther (Etty) Cohen. Their parents were Lucie Chalom, Albert Cohen; Sara and Victor Cohen. Please contact me, thanks.
Name: Rony Greenberg
Last address in Egypt: Deleya Building, Antikhana Street, Cairo
Present address: Copenhagen, Denmark
Date: January 8, 2008
email address:
Comments: Ne au Caire en 1941. Lycee Francais du caire du jardin d'enfant a 9 ans et puis College des Freres, Bab el Louk. Depart Nov 1956. Club Wilcox.
Name: Tony Tawaf
Last address in Egypt: Daher, Cairo
Present address: Sydney, Australia
Date: January 3, 2008
email address:
Comments: Left Egypt in 1968. Attended and completed my high school studies at College de La Salle in Daher. Anyone who knew me please write; I would love to see some group school photos if anyone has.
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Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Cairo
# 13 Sabil El Khazindar Street Midan al-Geish, Abbassia, Cairo Egypt
tel: +20 2 2482-4613 - tel/fax +20 2 2736-9639
mobile: 0122 2115915
from outside Egypt call
+20 122 2115915
Shaar Hashamayim Synagogue @ 17 Adly Street, downtown Cairo
open daily 10:00 to 15:00
Friday 10:00 to 17:00
Sunday closed
Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fostat (Old Cairo)
open daily 09:00 to 16:00
For visits to other Cairo synagogues or Bassatine Cemetery contact JCC
The JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL of ALEXANDRIA (JCCA president: Youssef Ben Gaon) can be reached by email at:
and by telephone on +20 3 484-6189 or +20 3 486-3974 or by ordinary mail at
No. 69 Nebi Daniel Street, Alexandria, Egypt
please note the Jewish Community Council of Alexandria is an independent entity separate from the Jewish Community Council of Cairo
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editor: SWR
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